Saturday, September 19, 2009

dot hack//link

well if you wher to ask anyone I know what my favret game franchise is all of them whood say dot hack and theyd be right I am completly obsed with the dot hack franchis and for good reson this games are do so well for being on the PS2 graficly the first 4 games are nuthing spechol but its the story that they excel thar was ever a stroy like it befor dot hack and still to this day only the next gen of dot hack games used that type of story and now dot hack makes another aperince this time not on a home concel but on the PSP as of right now its only abowt 50% dune so we her in the states probly whont see it for another year and a haff but in antisapation Im buyig a PSP just so I have the feel for on down bye the time it comes out and to be far i will post all screen caps I find as well as all new of the game

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