well its almost hear the first EP of the ECO podcast and well Im exsited beond all belefe i meen I have fans on youtube for my reviews and top ten lists and it seems like people are acholy starting to visit this site to but this stuff with the podcast is sumthing new all togeather as it stand thar re going to be two plases ware the podcast will absalutly be put up one is zun and the other is youtube I will trie to get it on iTunes as well cunsitering thar being a shorteg of quolaty genarwel anime bodcasts thar but yea wev been geting reddy for this for a wiol now we have a forum up for lisaners as well as a group on MAL(my anime list) so you can live us feed back and tell us topics you mite like us to talk abowt as well as the first EP layout dune hell we are evin useing my old high schools TV room to record it thow we whont be abol to every EP so i apolagys in advans for the cang in sound quolaty but yea we are gana work our hardest to give you guys the best damned podcast we can so untell that join the MAL group and the forum links below
ECO forum
ECO MAL group
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