thats inpasabol right wrong thar is a anime with 6 count them 6 definativ endings aragami ss a romantic comady based after the PSP love sim of the same name desied to make it self stand out insted of just haveing one definativ ending they wood have 6 one for each female love intrest in the stoyry and right know your thinking nick you insufrabol anime adic how on earth will such a thing work ad Il tell you after a arc the story resets like higarashi (thow without the murder) and focuses on the next girl till all the storys are told Iv alredy finished one arc the haruka arc and I have to say this may be my favret of the arcs thow it may be to erly to say cunsitering its the ony arc to finish I am 1 ep into the koaru arc and it is relly good if you whant to know the story hears how it gos
Two years ago, Tachibana Junichi got his heart broken by a girl who didn't show up for a date on Christmas Eve. Now a second year student in high school, Junichi spends his days inside his closet planetarium, going to school and hanging out with his friends Tanamachi Kaoru and Umehara Masayoshi.

I know not mutch of a synopsis but thata how mutch of the story that stays the same in each arc and it relly works along with almost evry aspect of this anime sutch as the art is nice the animemation is clean and the music is good and hears sumthinf intrasting about the music each female chariter will sing thar ver of ending song its pretty cool
this anime tells its story in a way I have never seen out side of love sims and VNs that i had to do a molty rating on it the haruka arc it self gets 10 kisses to the back of the nee out of 10 but as a hole aragami ss gets a 9 so far if all the arcs are as good or better then the haruka arc I can see this being a 10 or hell do I dare give it a 11
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