anyone that knows me will tell you what I think of 4kids (by that thy will cower in fear just remembering how inraged I get at the mer saying of its and al kahns names) well I just red a press relese mad by them curdeasy of ANN and looks like 4kids is at it agen
During a recent stockholder conference call, 4Kids Entertainment Chairman and CEO Al Kahn stated, “We have decided that 4Kids needs to return to its roots as a licensing and merchandising company that specializes in bringing wonderful Japanese programming and merchandizing to the rest of the world.” Kahn continued, “We signed yesterday a very important Japanese property that we will be announcing in the next couple of days… A number of these new things that we will be announcing are substantial Japanese hits that we will [be] making available to kids in the United States on the 4Kids TV network.”
Kahn also revealed word that 4Kids is “participating” in the development of a new 3D Yu-Gi-Oh! movie.
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