with the Ade of MUGEN anyone can make there own fighting game with as many charters as they like and as of yesterday i am one of thos people i DL mugen 1.0 from mugen-infantry as well as a custom skinpack that alows me over 100 charters and of cores i am now looking to build my raster as of right now i have 13 charters added to the game and on the hunt for many more now i am not going to lie to you and say adding charters and editing this game is easy its not but at the same time if you read the instructions that are included in each section to edit a part of the game you will be fine also there are plenty of tutorials on how to do stuff
now for thos that don't know anything about mugen and wondering just what the fuck i am talking about hers a brief history on the game
Elecbyte released the customizable fighting game M.U.G.E.N in 1999. The engine was originally released on July 17, 2001. Beta versions of it were made to work on DOS, Linux and Windows platforms, distributed through their website. The engine allows users to insert created characters, background stages, and other game objects through interpreted text files, graphics, and sound compilations to create a functioning fighting game similar to commercial games. While the engine is set up primarily for fighting game development, several other game types have been developed using it, including shooter and platform style games. Officially, Elecbyte claims to have forgotten what the acronym M.U.G.E.N stood for, but the readme documentation states that its meaning referred to the days when the engine was meant to emulate shooting games as opposed to fighting games. The meaning of "mugen" in Japanese, "unlimited", may have influenced the naming. M.U.G.E.N later expanded into a wide variety of teams and communities such as Mugen Fighters Guild,and Club Syndicate.
now as it stands this game is pretty much useless if you just DL the game itself and are not going to add more charters or stages becuse the game only comes with 2 charters and two stages to begin with as well as only allowing for 12 charters to be added once you get the game you will need to DL stages and charters and then add them i myself plain once i get it looking just how i want it to will be uploading my mugen to be DLed for thos that dont want to go thew the trouble of editing there own but thats going to be a long time away because i am not even 1/50 away from finishing with it so if you think you can what whats probably going to take a year or two then you can what for me if not get your own and start creating untill then have fuck guys
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