thats right the spring line up is hear and this season is shaping up to be far better then the winter line up with a masiv amont no new anime wand only acopel sequels I myself will be waching 23 things on this line up (thats cmbinding serres,OVAs and movies) and if your whandering what reviews youl be seeing next season hears a list of evrything Il be watching
1 angel beats(its key what do you exspect)
2 arakaw under the bridge
3 senkou no night raid
4 ikkitousen(yes thars a 4th season)
5 B gata H kei (exspect a rant to be mad abowt this varry soon)
6 k-on season2
7 working
8 ichiban ushiro no dai maon
9 hakuo ki : shinsengumi kitan
10 saraiy goyou
11 kissXsis (the anime)
12 kissXsis(ova vol 3)
13 kaicho wa maid-sama
14 broken blade
15 ahiki
16 umi monogatari
17 gundam unicorn
18 aniarashiki no juuni-tachi
19 trigun badlands rumbel
20 votoms(gota watch the other votoms anime)
21 tails of symphonia
22street fighter
23 SD gundam sangokuden
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