Thursday, December 31, 2009

lets bid fawell to 2009 and welcom 2010

aside my new years day starting with my mom geting hit by a stupid bitch that was going to fight my sisters freand with her care (I now sum way to end 09 huh) I am odly optamistic for 2010 and I hope to bring you guys many more reviews, storys, and other fun post if I can find sum spar time and cash I may evin tri to do a give awy and for thows that havint herd yet I finaly got a new 360 so you can find me on live and chat with me thar so hears to a better new year then the one wer levin right now

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

yui and mio fans rejoyc

(I know you love this mio custom epyon)
k-ons is geting a seconed season thats right so be prerpard for more loli band action then you can smack your moe sticks at this news was brot to me by gust5guys a group on youtube that dose k-on the abriged serrise telling thar fans they plane to abrige that once thar dune with season 1 (when ever that ma be)

I am relly happy abowt this beuse I get to se more of azunyan and yui in all thar moe loli goodness

on a side not if you have a youtube subscribe to just5guys and wall your at it subscrib to me to otakunick89(links are in the names

Monday, December 28, 2009

F-on AMV

if you asked any of my freands what two animes I think are the apitamy in music theyed tell you macross and K-on and if you asked then who my favret chariters in eatch wer thwyd probly say azunyan for k-on and well klan from macross f but thats a difrent story I just fownd a AMV of the kaon girls doing ranka le's seikan hikou mikumiku and the nyan nyan dace and the head liner in bloth is azunyan

the only down fall to this vids are its rankas voice and anyone that knows me wood tell you I fucking hear ranka I finde her to the the most anoying of all macross women I wood have loved to her bolth soungs in azunyans and the others k-on girls voices but what can you do

and you no what Im thowing a nother azunyan vid in for the hell of it

Sunday, December 27, 2009

first thouts spice and wolf ENG dub

I was browsing funamations site just now and cout the traler for the fisrt season of spice and wolf and I got a smal gripe with it and that is horos voice sounds a bit to machor I meen I know shes saposed to be hundreds of years old but still her looks are that of a girl thats no more then 16 to 18 and she sounds like shes in het late 20s the voice just dusint fit her but on the other hand Lawrences voice seems to fit better then the japanese dub sorry Jun Fukuyama your perfect as lelouch but as lawrence you have the same problem as the women doing the ENG horo but in your case you sound to young to be a 30 year old man

Im not saying that the ENG dub shud be avoded by all meens please go out and buy spice and wolf season one when it comes out becuse I will I love this show I lernd more abowt comers from wotching it then I did in my bissnes class Im just saying thars a slite miss casting from what i heard witch wasint mutch just horos introduction mabby Il be wrong and this VA will do horos selfish and inmachur voice witch we hear more then we hear her machur and wise voice sum good and evin if it duseint thars alwas the japanese adio with subs(yea yea i know what your thinking ofeshol subs suck but just becuse a sub dusint have a good looking fount jusint meen its not a good sub I meen yea the transations can be off sumtimes but thats the same with fan subs too thars no 100% when transationg one langwig to another )

so my first thouts on the ENG dub is it seems to have a miscasting but Im still optamistic for its relese becuse I know the story is good anuph to overshadow sumthing as minor as that

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

its a yuri snowy night

thats right like I sed its the time of year for Xmiss AMVs ans evry time I find one il put it up this time its from a puron I falow on youtube that alwas makes good AMVs and this ones no difrent good sont right chuos of cast and clips and the editing is great

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

boston mom cal cops on sun for playing GTA4

A mother who found her son engaged in a late night gaming session felt she had no option but to call police on the boy, as he ignored her commands.
The Boston mother reportedly became exasperated at her 14-year-old son’s “gaming habit” and told him to play less, but matters came to a head when she awoke one night to find her son still playing Grand Theft Auto at 2:30AM despite being told to stop.
The mother then unplugged her son’s console and called police on him, who dutifully arrived and told him to “Chill out” and “Go to bed.”
The mother, a 49-year-old cafeteria worker raising three other children by himself, explained she only approved of healthy sports themed games and not ones teaching the basics of criminal entrpreneurship:
“I would never buy that kind of video. No way. I called because if you don’t respect your mother, what are you going to do in your life?”
Just whether the most noteworthy aspect of this story is the woman calling police on her own son, the police’s willingness to respond, or the fact that the boy avoided being tasered or arrested is difficult to determine…
story from sakura complex

as a MA resadent I was relly saprised to leen that my tax dolers are going to such good coses such as alowing the cops to anser a call like this I meen serusly the last thing we need are violent games teaching our children how to kill street walkers what aminit im not a right wing moron sorry the sher stubidady of this story kinda had an afect on my brain mostly becuse the cops wood acholy indolg this womens idotce I meen yea the kid probly shudint have been playing GTA4 so late at night but did she relly have to call the cops and further more did they relly have to respond

Sunday, December 20, 2009

welcom to the otaku home staff

thats right the otaku home bloge has a new contibuter so to anyone thats acholy reading this please make him welcum and stop lurking and coment once in a wiol okay well anyway welcom to the staff Aareate I look forwerd to reading your postes

Saturday, December 19, 2009

well its that time of the ear agein

thats right X miss AMVs and I found one hell of an AMV macross F and K-on thats right and this isint just your reguler AMV ether its dune in N64 grafics thats right 16Bit and it looks nice

(the funy thing is the leed singers shirly from macross F but the vice and song belong to ranka li the green haird girl next to azunya on the right singers side)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

shigofumi letters from the dead?

I resintly finished watching shigofumi and it was relly good only 13 EPs long but it dusint wast any of them and the story is intrasing to say the lest you relly get a feel for the cast

at first the show starts out like hell girl meets UPS as you falow a young girl named fumiko delever latters from the departed to thar resptev resevers this latters are the last sentamet of people that have died and are not allwas good or bad fumiko sed it the best way "a shigofumi id nether good or bad its just the truth" and as you can inmagen not evryone is open to reseving a letter from sumones thats dead but fumiko dus her job with the otmost dilagens evin when her job drugis up her own past in witch the second haff of the story deels with witch leeds to what I think to be a good ending

one thing that rellt stud out for me was the OP Kotodama witch was dune by the ALI PROJECT a group best known for ther uniquck musicol style and sum mite rember them from the Dot Hack//Roots in witch thy did the ENDing theme

honistly the show dusint haf any real flaws that need to be ponted out the only resun this show dusint get a 10 is becus Iv seen so many shows from its respectiv ganra so I fowind it pretty prodictabol when it cam to all the shocking moments but thats not the shows falt that me for being a mind fuck anime junky so I had to give this a 9 out of 10

Monday, December 14, 2009

Rebuild of Evangelion 1.11 you are (not) alone

yes I now i promused id be reviewing 11 eyes today but I just finished DLing the definativ vetion of the first new eva movie and being a eva fanboy Im kinda ablagaid to review it over anything els but fear not the 11 eyes review will go up today as well just latter

oky lets get started sume of you mite now what evangelion is but for thows few that dont evangelion is an anime that has gone down in infomy as the anime no one understands (despite it being quite essy to undersand id you 1 watch it from ep 1 to 26 and watch the end of eva movie) but to just give you alil insite hears what the superfishol outlook on the show its a mecha anime that fols sumwar betwen real and super robot but that is relly only whats its abowt on the surfus deep down its acholy a analasis on persanalaty and soshel disorters cunsitering evry cast member has one (what for my chaiter rundown latter to find out whos got what)and the gaint robots and the subsaquent monster aleins thay have to fight is manly used to dra people in and is used to move the story along witch happens to be beutfolly wrighting in olth the origanol and the new movies but you didint come hear to hear me rambol on abowt the origanol anime you whant to now abowt the movie

well to start things off the animeation is beautefull I nerly cryed when I saw eva unit 1 completly redune with new CG and when its in action not one millasecont is lost to bad fram rates (thow that cude be due to the fact I DLed the 720P blu-rei vertion) and the adio was just as good evry sound was just as crisp as the animation and all traces of the problems from the 1.1 and 1.0 DVD releses are gone(erly er DVD releses ha serus darknus isuse to the pont that the night seens cudint evin been seen) so in disc quolaty alone this is the difinativ vertion of this movie and thar shud be no resun to go out and buy the 1.1 DVD relese just what from 1.11 to be relesed this march pluse that vertion whont have the 105 or so fixes and delleted seens in them that 1.11 duse

and its not just the disc quolaty thats grat abowt this movie eva 1.11 is the first of 4 new movies that will tell a new story of eva bye reteling the onld so basicly the first movie falows the firs copel of EPs almost to the letter with only a smal amont of change whar as the others chang the story more and more and the cast is just as good as they wer when they fisted made eva

over all I give Rebuild of Evangelion 1.11 you are (not) alone a 10 out of 10

this has to be the sadest thing iv ever read

“Middle-aged virgins,” men whose only sexual activity is onanism, are being highlighted as a major problem in Japanese society, with their numbers burgeoning even as youthful sexual activity increases, creating a “sexual bipolarisation.”
Some data indicates as many as 24.3% of males aged 30-35 are virgins, a statistic which seems to have been worsening, and these men are overwhelmingly poor, leading some to suggest female expectations play a role.
It seems that although the average age of a Japanese person’s sexual experience continues to decrease, at the same time a “sex divide” is ensuring some men remain isolated from the company of women, writes economist and author Takashi Kadokura.
Typically, sexual encounters at school are said to be ones where the female takes no great interest in income or prospects, but once into college and the workplace Japanese women suddenly become much more concerned about a partner’s potential as a source of income, the so-called “three highs”: high height, high academic qualifications, and high income.
A small-scale survey supports this notion: 73.9% of those with annual incomes of less than $20,000 had no partners, whilst only 33.3% of men with incomes of from $90-120,000 lacked partners.
The same survey suggested these poorer men could or would not use prostitutes; 85.5% of the below $20,000 group had never used a brothel, whilst only 37% of men with incomes from $90,000 to $120,000 had never visited such an establishment, itself a rather disturbing figure.
These poorer men are increasingly freeters and NEETs, and with their incomes generally remaining low throughout their lives, rather than peaking in their 40s and 50s as with regular salarymen, Japan may be forming a virgin underclass whose only access to sex and female companionship is through AV and ero-manga.
On the other hand, one of the many such surveys of single women found that the “cut-off line” for marriage for 46% of women was $40,000 a year, with 29% demanding $60,000.
However, 2007 government statistics indicated there are only 2,544,900 employed bachelor men with incomes over $40,000 in the whole country, meaning millions of “excess” women are present hunting for the tiny number of high-income men they consider eligible, whilst the rest are left with only the prospect of fantasies.
The obvious inference is that the major reason the poorer, average men are unable to find partners is because Japanese women are busy chasing dreams of wedding the handful of men with high incomes…

Sunday, December 13, 2009

to my vewers

please give feed back on the reviews and other stuff I post so I can get feed back that way I can get a better grip on what i need to work on other then my spelling I know that sucks and im working on it but for sum other news tomarow il be puting up my review of 11 eyes(witch has goten my must wotch of the season so espact a good review

Thursday, December 10, 2009

this anime season is looking bleck

its true Il only be watching 5 of the animes for shore and 2 are mabbys leving 8 I whont evin bather with so the anime Il be watching are checked in green the ones that are mabys have a yelow M and ofcrs the ones im not tuching have a red X

KÀmpfer review

oky first off lat me say that if my freand didint tell me thar wa more to the story than whats in the first season I wooding be doing this review hell if it waslonger then 12 Eps Id probly had droped it(sorry curt but I dont know what you see in this show)I meen serusly the only apell to the show is the misunderstangings and sexuel tenchon and evin that gets old after a a short time so insted of just ramboling il list the problems with the show

1 the hole male to female this is not needed becus after a copel of eps the main male is pretty mutch forced to stay a girl for most of the time makes me just think whats the pont of haveing a guy that turns into a girl (same question gos for ranma 1/2 also)

2the lack of antaganests I meen relly what the fuck are the madaraters and what are they planing in 9 out of 12 eps we havint seen one lick of the madaraters I meen thars one chariter that im 90% will tern out to be one or atlest conected to them but the overall back story and set up motavations for the cast isint thar makeing this show asensholy a high school comadey with super pwer girls(and one guy that turn into a girl) witch whoodint be bad if they hadint alreddy set it up for having a darker main polt so its sofering in the same was as saitoki no ichizone but atlest SNI nows whats its tring to be whars as kampher is tring to have to mutch to it

3 the cast its disterbing the amont of sayus(A list voice acters)are in this serres I meen serusly did they not have anything better to do

first we got

Mikoto Kondou aka the basterd ofspring of mitsubi(saikirei) and puru(zz gundam)(voiced by Asumi, Kana )Natsuru's childhood friend who only recently reunited with him due to her father being an archaelogist who lives abroad. She appears to have feelings for Natsuru and is more than a bit bothered by the presence of a girl with the same name as his (who in reality is Natsuru in his KÀmpfer form). She is a Schwert-type Red KÀmpfer armed with a Japanese sword

Akane Mishima AKA sikso chick(voiced by Horie, Yui) School librarian and Natsuru's friend, she is also a Blue KÀmpfer like Natsuru. Normally very shy and soft-spoken, she becomes foul-mouthed, bitter, vindictive, and trigger-happy upon transforming into a KÀmpfer. She explained most of the rules of being a KÀmpfer when Natsuru's own Messenger gave no such details. She is a Gewehr type KÀmpfer who uses an semi-automatic handgun and appears to be ambidextrous. There are hints that Akane has begun to harbour feelings for Natsuru (normal form), such as being eager to be with him and getting jealous when he talks about other girls in front of her.

Kaede Sakura AKA evil lesbo(voiced by Nakajima, Megumi) Shizuku's childhood friend and one of the Three Beauties of Seitetsu, she has many admirers, Natsuru being one of them. She has a large collection of stuffed Zoumotsu Animal dolls (characters whose distinctive feature is to have protruding guts) and likes to present them to her friends. She began to develop a crush on KÀmper Natsuru after being saved from KÀmper Akane.

Shizuku Sangou aka the one likeabol chariter (voiced by Nazuka, Kaori) President of the Student Council and one of the Three Beauties of Seitetsu, she is a model student with perfect attendance record. In addition, however, she is also a Red KÀmpfer fighting with the Schwert ability of wielding two chained daggers at will. She wants to expose the Moderator's intentions but has no problem fighting Blue KÀmpfer until that goal was accomplished

Natsuru Senou aka the supernacuel trany(voiced by Inoue, Marina) The series' main protagonist. Second year student of Seitetsu Gakuin High-school. He is chosen as a Blue KÀmpfer by Moderator and setup as a Zauber type with power based on fire. In keeping with the rule that all KÀmpfers are females, he turns into girl upon transformation. After a fight with Shizuku exposed his KÀmpfer form to other students of the school, Shizuku arranged to have him enrolled in girl's class to fulfil public curiosity in a way that diverts attentions away from KÀmpfer battle. His KÀmpfer form has subsequently been ranked among the Three Beauties of Seitetsu (there used to be only two) and, much to Natsuru's own dismay, become subject of intense affections from Kaede Sakura (whom he has a crush on).

and the iceing on the cack for this anime is it was made by nomad that right nomad the makerks of a anime I higly recamended to people Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan hell they evin made Ouran High School Host Club so what the hell is this shit thar shiving down our thouwts so if it what im saying is this sow has varry few saving grases and that wood be the animation thats the only reson im gining this a 5 out of 10

Monday, December 7, 2009

the new code geass project is acholy just a new manga

Here's your new project. It's called Code Geass: Shikkoku no Renya, and it is set in the Edo period. That could be fun. Manga, it be. Awesome. Well, wait. Before you get too excited, know some details.

C.C. is back (good)
"unknown man" looks like Lelouch (good, I guess)
it will run in Shonen Ace (meh)
character named Renya has a mechanical arm that shoots 100 shuriken (What? LOLOLOL)
Shuriken arm? HAHAH! And the guy who looks like Lelouch? He has some kind of "mysterious power." Right.

and hear I was hopeing for a new anime oh well this is Better than nothing, I guess.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

lelouches burthday bash

This is totally in the viral marketing category, but Code Geass's cellular phone site in Japan just tossed up a cryptic message today, announcing something about a new Code Geass project. What we know for sure is fan speculations run rampant and rabid Geass-freaks might not get a lot of sleep today, because they didn't say what this project is. In fact, there is little that we can say for certain at this point. Did you know Lelouch's birthday is December 5th?

Below is the cryptic message translated.

New Code Geass Project Launch Green-Lit!

Expect a followup report in 2010!

This is a rebirth...a new birthday.
Beginning today, Geass will move towards a new level.
Before long, you will all encounter this new Geass
Hope for it. Wait for it. Long for it!

Had you forgotten?
Geass is something akin to a wish.
That's right.
If you all wish for it, Geass will once again...


when i read this the first thing that came to mind was holy fucking shit I have the same Bday as lelouch thats right people its true my DOB was 12/5/1989 so its true and i cant what to see what this new project is

Friday, December 4, 2009

seitokai no ichizon review

yes thats right im finealy doing what I sed i wood back in october Im reviewing anime sorry its takeing me so long and sorry I dont update as mutch as I use to my classes have been hiting me with alot of work latly infae Im acholy typeing this review wall whating for class to start but you didint come hear to hear me complan on my lack of fre time you came to leern abowt anime

seitokai no ichizon is abowt a group of 5 students in the student concil yea I now real origanol right but despite the over used trop of the student concel this show is in face quite intaresting unlike most shows abowt a SC this one seems to make fun of of all thows other SC based anime along with other stuff(like death note and metal gear) thats right its a parode anime that happens to take place in a student concil and as sed befor its quite good i meen Im 9 Eps in of 13 and Im still laughing my ass off most of the time thow thats mostly do to the chariters themselfs then the jokes like stated erlyer the anime revols arownd 5 studints

Chizuru Akaba(voiced by Saitou, Yuka):A bishoujo with a tall and model-like figure.
She is a mature woman who is cool but also has a warm heart. In the student council she takes the role of an adviser, but she's also an extreme S (sadist). Probably has some yuri taste and has some sexual interest on Aka-chan.

Kurimu Sakurano AKA aka-chan(voiced by Honda, Mariko):In high school Grade 3. Student council president. Her outward looks, speech, thoughts, attitude, pretty much everything is like that of a child's, but whatever she does she is full of passion.

Minatsu Shiina(voiced by Togashi, Misuzu): Student Council vice-president. A boyish bishoujo with impressive athletic skills.
She's popular among girls and has a bit of a yuri taste. She's in the same class with Ken but she's an orthodox tsundere without any 'dere' to be found.

Mafuyu Shiina(voiced by Horinaka, Yuki):Student Council Treasurer. Minatsu's sister and a 1st grader. She is a swaying bishoujo, and is afraid of males. Ken thought her to be "the easiest character to see the ending" but later turns out to be the most feared one by some reason .She's an avid gamer and was seen playing her handheld console (most likely a 'PSP®') in most time. She also wrote the wiki tutorial for a game named 'Chasseur Monstre' which means 'Monster Hunter' in french.

Ken Sugisak(voiced by Kondo, Takashi): 2nd Year, Student Council Vice President. One of the few kinds who entered the student council as "a top student". Loves playing Eroge... no, Visual Novels, and plans of taking all of the student council members as his harem.

over all this show is good but not without its broblems on more then one ocation they hint to a deeper and more serus story in the backgrownd of the show involving som of the chariters but never go into it vary deeply like they shud thats probly do to the shows limated EP cunt but still if your going to put sumthing like that in you shud have the desinsy to elaborate on it atlest that what i think but I igress thow show is a good wotch and if it brout over to the US Il brobly pick it up on DVD or blu-ray (that is if I can aford one ) so my over all rating is 7 out of 10 its good

Thursday, December 3, 2009

whant to know whats animes comeing out

Il be posting a list of what Il be wotching this season

highschool friends in japan

According to a survey conducted within the MyVoice internet community, over half of Japanese made their friends in high school. And when you consider that nearly a quarter of respondents count more than eleven friends, the figures puts some people getting real chummy with at least five or six people in high school. Impossible. Furthermore, many still communicated with their high school friends face-to-face. Unless they all ended up as salarymen in the same company, that's unbelievable. Maybe that's why so many games/anime/manga/novels are set there?

While the survey itself accounted for people selecting multiple answers, the numbers seem to help debunk at least some of the "haha, Japan is full of desperately lonely otaku" stereotypes. But seriously, I never made that many friends in high school.

How do you match up against the citizens of Glorious Nippon? Have you made a great many high school friends? Friend friends, and not just people whose names you find familiar when they invite you onto Facebook?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

more ikki tousen

Word is coming from 2chan that in the January issue of Comic GUM contains the announcement of a fourth season of everyone's favorite nudity show, Ikki Tousen. Lovingly referred to as Titty Tousen here at the Modern Method office, I think you can tell we're all rather excited about the next wave of breasts that are going to be flung in our face.

If everything we've read on the Internet is to be believed, then this fourth season will be titled Ikki Tousen XX: Xtreme Xecutor, and will feature the lovely Endou Aya voicing the role of Mouki Bachou. The show will also be getting a new character designer, although no word on who it is yet.

We'll find out for sure, as the website should be updated on Thanksgiving, giving us something to stare at while we wait for more information. And if you happen to be at Winter Comike, then you'll be able to pick up the Episode 0 DVD that'll be on sale there.

So, who's ready to get some high-quality anime with a deep plot about humanity and what it takes to become a--sorry, I couldn't say that with a straight face. Who's ready for some of the most blatant fanservice possible? And the 50 or so figures that are bound to follow from this series?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

masterbating sun kills mom

A son caught in the midst of an auto-asphyxiative onanism session clubbed his mother to death for interrupting him.
The 22-year-old man lived together with his 44-year-old mother in the Croatian city of Split, with neighbours describing the woman as “reclusive” and the son as “troubled.”
However, when his mother walked in on him as he masturbated with a scarf tied tightly around his neck, her shocked reaction enraged him, and he grabbed a small statuette and used it to bludgeon her over the head, killing her. He also attempted to strangle her.
Whether he was aggrieved over his mere discovery, her reaction, or the exposure of his apparent fetish (self-strangulation is a somewhat dangerous technique occasionally used to induce intense orgasms or arousal) is not clear.
Police were alerted to the incident by the son’s call to emergency services, and he confessed and was arrested upon their arrival.

I was floored by this story Iv read alot of werd storysfrom japan befor but this one takes the cake and sorry for not updating for a week my classes got me runing thew hoops

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

more haruhi movie news

It's time for more Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya news! The official website for the film has confirmed that Haruhi will disappear for 150 minutes, on the previously announced date of February 6, 2010. Yup, you read that correctly; the Haruhi film's running time is two and a half hours... approximately equal to seven episodes of the TV series.

The few fans Haruhi has left are quite excited by this news. Running time was one of the major concerns upon the initial announcement of the movie; many were fearful that the plot of the original novel would be condensed to fit the length of the film. That concern has been mostly alleviated by this announcement. It would seem as if Kyoani is trying as hard as they can to please their remaining fanbase.

Can this film restore Haruhi to it's former glory? I'm still skeptical, but I'm willing to give it a chance.

story from japanator

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

haruhilive action out erlyer the espected

As many of you may recall, the final episode of Haruhi's second season contained an announcement for the upcoming Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya film. Now, it seems as if the film will be premiering on Feburary 6, 2010; far earlier than most fans expected. Unfortunately, English-speaking Haruhiists will have to wait longer to see their goddess disappear, unless they have easy access to a Japanese theater. To pass the time, why not enjoy some Haruhi bunnygirl cosplay, courtesy of Matsunaga Ayaka?

story from japanator

Monday, November 2, 2009

well this give me a resun to finish da capo

It's been about 4 years since the last season of D.C. ~Da Capo~ aired on Chiba TV, but it looks as though another season might be hitting the air sometime next year. Reportedly, Circus--a studio famous for their countless eroge filled with horny school girls that may or may not choose to partake in sexy fun-time with you, depending on your choice of dialog--recently dropped the news at their Premium Concert and Announcement event over the weekend.

The original Da Capo eroge centered around a boy named Junichi and takes place during the end of his middle school days. They throw in some pointless stuff about his magical powers and a sakura tree, but basically the goal is to make it with one of the female heroines, one of which happens to be his cousin. Probably unhealthy, I know, right?

Anyways, there haven't been any new details regarding the plot of the upcoming season, but with the original game starting to see some circulation here in America, one might wonder if someone will be ballsy enough to pick up the license. I'd say it's slightly more likely than it was before, but still incredibly unlikely. I could always be wrong, though.

story from japanator

Friday, October 30, 2009

oky this is seusly making me question wether humanaty has a futcher

Around 1 a.m. the other night, Keiko Ito showed up at her workplace wielding a hand-saw roughly 23 centimeters in length and sporting a snazzy motorcycle helmet and face mask. I should probably point out that those would have worked a lot better if she had robbed someone she didn't know, but whatever.

After "locking" the only employee on duty in the freezer, she tried to make off with nearly 220,000 yen. At least she went after a reasonable chunk of change. Unfortunately for her, the employee managed to escape the freezer and subdue her before she could get away.

why rob the place you work at whar people acholy know you

story from japanator

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

ECO (east cost otaku) ep1 update

well its almost hear the first EP of the ECO podcast and well Im exsited beond all belefe i meen I have fans on youtube for my reviews and top ten lists and it seems like people are acholy starting to visit this site to but this stuff with the podcast is sumthing new all togeather as it stand thar re going to be two plases ware the podcast will absalutly be put up one is zun and the other is youtube I will trie to get it on iTunes as well cunsitering thar being a shorteg of quolaty genarwel anime bodcasts thar but yea wev been geting reddy for this for a wiol now we have a forum up for lisaners as well as a group on MAL(my anime list) so you can live us feed back and tell us topics you mite like us to talk abowt as well as the first EP layout dune hell we are evin useing my old high schools TV room to record it thow we whont be abol to every EP so i apolagys in advans for the cang in sound quolaty but yea we are gana work our hardest to give you guys the best damned podcast we can so untell that join the MAL group and the forum links below

ECO forum
ECO MAL group

Monday, October 26, 2009

anti prireting for anime I whoner if itl work this time(I serusly dout it thow)

The Nihon Keizai Shimbun paper reported on Monday that five major Japanese movie and anime companies are collaborating on a countermeasure initiative against domestic and overseas Internet piracy. Through the Content Overseas Distribution Association (CODA), the initiative will automatically search for videos that were submitted without authorization and demand that site administrators delete the unauthorized materials. The participating companies include TOHO, Studio Ghibli, and Sunrise, and the association is exploring the possible future involvement of commercial broadcasters and record companies.

The initiative will start with the monitoring of 10 to 15 works, such as Ponyo and Mobile Suit Gundam 00, on major video-sharing websites in China in the middle of November. Thereafter, the system will expand the number of sites it monitors to those outside China.

NHK News reported on Tuesday that over 38,000 Japanese-animated videos are distributed without authorization on the Internet every month. The Association of Japanese Animations (AJA) and other participants began the month-long survey this past February. According to the survey, these unauthorized videos are seen about 69 million times.

CODA is a private umbrella group of 22 companies and 20 organizations involved with content and copyrights in Japan. Its stated goal is "to stamp out piracy and promote the legal distribution of Japanese content, in particular in Asia."


yep Iv finaly gone back to the origanol SDF macross and I have fallen in love with the franchis once agen evin dispite being made i 1982 it relly servise the test of time I will be doing a full review on my youtube chanol and be puting it up hear

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

cop swips 25 pars of panties

Wow. Serving the public and serving your sick fetishes at the same time, eh?

While at a scene on an investigation, 26-year-old police officer Yuki Miyamoto thought he'd grab some little girl panties when no one was looking. He snuck into an apartment where an investigation was going down and grabbed 25 pair of panties. 25 pair!

This girl must be some kind of perv target because police were there to talk to her after she was flashed by some strange man earlier that same day. During the house visit, Miyamoto said he had to investigate her room. Later that night, after bathing, the girl noticed that all of her panties were gone.

Okay, two things:

First, who has 25 pair of underwear? And secondly, what did he need with 25 pair?

from japanator

Monday, October 19, 2009

oky Im starting to lose hope for the humen race now

It's one thing to hate the status quo, but it's another thing to do the exact opposite of what is needed to change it, which is pretty much what a Akihiko Naito of Osaka went and did.

He apparently hated being single so much that, to improve his chances, decided to slash a woman from behind with a box cutter while riding his bike.

He had this to say once caught by the cops:

"I can’t get a girlfriend because women always turn me down. I thought this would make me feel better. I didn’t target any specific woman. Anyone would have been OK."

He could have at least started by using that "anyone would have been OK," attitude in trying to get a date, rather than moving straight up to deadly force. Priorities, man.

story from japanator

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ex japanses prime minaster a voice actor !?

Not-So-Daily Link of the Day: Junichirō Koizumi, the charismatic former prime minister who was the last Japanese head to serve more than two years in office, will be making his voice-acting debut in Daikaijū Battle: Ultra Ginga Densetsu The Movie (Giant Monster Battle: Ultra Galactic Legend The Movie). Koizumi will play Ultraman King, an ancient Legendary Hero in the Ultra family. The live-action special-effects film will open in Japan on December 12.

Due to his high visibility during his 2001-2006 tenure, Koizumi has appeared in both anime and manga, although Koizumi has never performed as a voice actor until now. Hideki Ohwada's Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku "politics x mahjong action" manga (pictured at left) will be adapted into an anime. In this political parody, Koizumi plays a special form of "mahjong diplomacy" against foreign adversaries such as George W. Bush, Kim Jong-il, Vladimir Putin, Margaret Thatcher, and others.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

new SD gundam baced off the sangoukuden model line

The Bandai booth at the 49th All Japan Plamodel Hobby Show has announced on Thursday that an anime adaptation of the BB Senshi Sangokuden model line has been green-lit. BB Senshi Sangokuden is an SD Gundam model series that re-imagines Gundam mobile suit robots as characters in the classic Chinese novel Sangokushi (Romance of the Three Kingdoms). More details will be provided at a later date.

SD Gundam's retelling of the Sangokushi tale has already been adapted before in the 1993 Mobile Suit SD Gundam Festival film and various manga. A manga called BB Senshi Sangokuden ~Senshin Kettou Hen~ has been running in Kadokawa Shoten's Kerokero Ace magazine, and the next three monthly issues will bundle special BB Senshi Sangokuden cards.

This year's hobby show will run from Thursday to Sunday at the Makuhari Messe convention center in Chiba, Japan.

story from ANN

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

CQ web comic

oky sum of you mite have notest that i hace links to a coppel of web comics on my blog one of witch call questanabol content or QC for short this has to be my favret web comic for more then one resum first the group of freands that it focusis on reminds me of me and my freands in vage ways the second resun it love it so mutch is it takes place in MA witch so hapens to be the state I live in Im haff exspteting to trn the corner in boston and see a coffe doom

Saturday, October 3, 2009

black rock shooter is gana be an anime

this is the first time in anime history that I know of that a sone chariter has been made into a anie serres for thows that dont know black rock shooter is a song song bye hastumi miku in the vocalod music sofftwar somone conposed and made the vid for it and since it introducktion to the net I have seen abowt 5 reedarations for it and looks like its acholy going to me made into an anime and it also looks like the aimes OP is going to be the achuwel black rock shooter song take a look for yourselfs I willput up new info as I fid it

Thursday, October 1, 2009

well looks like gantz will ending in japan soon

Manga creator Hiroya Oku has returned from a three-month hiatus to launch the "Final Phase" of his Gantz psychological adventure manga. The final arc begins in this year's 44th issue of Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine on Thursday. Gantz had been on hold since the 31st issue on July 2 so that Oku could prepare for the final arc. The manga follows a young Tokyo man who is reanimated after a deadly subway accident. Kei goes on violent, seemingly endless missions at the behest of an unseen host.

Dark Horse Comics announced at Anime Expo 2007 that it licensed the manga for North America, and it will publish the eighth of the 26 current volumes next month. ADV Films released Gonzo's television anime adaptation of the manga.

story from ANN

crono rusade TAS ep1 out

som of the people that com to my blog mite not know this but Iv resintly began geting into voice acting so I did sum trie outs for sum TAS animes and I got casted in two of them one is music parits mobil suit gundam the 8Th MS team TAS and the other is crono crusade the TAS in 8th ms team I play nickcard the macanic and the other is almost all the demons in feudalfans crono crusade TAS and the later came out today so I figerd i put it up

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

how on earth did I miss this

well looks like persona 3 is geting a PSP port I was just fownd this out bye looking arownd on youtube and I fow this vid at first I whout it was a ruse but at the end of the vid is the relese date and all the lijisticol stuff

Saturday, September 26, 2009

dot hack//link manga due to be relesed in the US

The North American manga publisher Tokyopop has announced at its New York Anime Festival panel on Friday that it will publish the .hack//Link ~Kōkon no Kishidan~ manga by Megane Kikuya (.hack//XXXX). The manga ties into .hack//Link, the action role-playing game that Bandai Namco Games describes as the final chapter in the popular .hack franchise. The manga has been running in Kadokawa Shoten's Kerokero Ace magazine in Japan.

Bandai Visual is also producing a full-CG anime tie-in in Japan, while the game itself will ship in Japan in February. Tokyopop has published most of the other .hack manga, including .hack//G.U.+, .hack//XXXX, and .hack//4Koma (shipping on April 6).

Update: More background information and image added.

story from ANN

halo 3 ODST demo

yes i know this is old news but lay off my 360 has been out of comishtion for munths now so I dont get gameing news as fast as I use too

Thursday, September 24, 2009

well looks like the live action cowboy bebop movie mill take a bit longer to make

Well, at least screenwriter Peter Craig spared no part of his imagination when it came to writing the Cowboy Bebop script. According to MTV, he recently handed in the script, which Keanu and the studios "loved," but pointed out it would cost half a billion dollars to make.

So, he's onto doing a re-write. The process usually goes: First draft, second draft, rewrite and polish. So my guess would be that they're simply scaling back some of the big scenes, moving certain things indoors where they can re-use the sets, and such like that. But in terms of plot? I doubt much is going to be changed. Which is only good news, in my mind.

I'm expecting this to fall in the big-budget range, considering the scope of the project, the pressure from Sunrise, and Keanu's involvement. My guess would be $120 million -- just as a ballpark estimate -- as that would give the film a large budget, although depending on what sort of SFX are required, that could quickly balloon up.

I'm pumped for this. Let's do it already!

story from japanator

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

drugs and yaoi

if there's anything I ever wanted to have alongside my hot copies of Gay's Anatomy hentai manga and art books, it's dextromethorphan hydrobromide (DXM), the active ingredient found in most cough medicines.

It seems that Yamila Abraham, founder of Yaoi Press was arrested for allegedly providing the latter, though thankfully not in the same place as the former. According to reports that Abraham is being charged with fraud, having sold and shipped DXM tablets under the name "Snurf," billed as an alternative herbal supplement.

Abraham responded to the charges in a blog post, asking fans to "Please keep a cool head, and have faith. This situation will not end Yaoi Press."

Well, that was one thing and this is another, and it certainly wouldn't be fair to judge Yaoi Press itself for the actions of its founder in a different place. Who knows, those pills might really have worked well with hot yaoi.

story from japanator

Monday, September 21, 2009

I knew tomino had another one in him

The Gundam Big Expo event previewed part of "Ring of Gundam" — the film short created, written, and directed by Gundam franchise creator Yoshiyuki Tomino — in Tokyo on Friday. The Mainichi Shimbun paper's Mantan Web site posted an image from this film which marks the franchise's 30th anniversary.

The Robot anime studio is producing this hybrid work of computer graphics and traditional animation; Robot is the studio that La Maison en Petits Cubes director Kunio Katō famously thanked in his Oscar acceptance speech with a reference to Styx's "Mr. Roboto" song ("Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto") in February. Veteran designer Kunio Okawara (first Gundam, Votoms) is creating the mechanical designs, and acclaimed composer Yoko Kanno (Turn A Gundam, Cowboy Bebop, Macross Plus and Frontier, Escaflowne) is writing the music. The completion date and eventual release format of "Ring of Gundam" have not been determined yet.

The story of "Ring of Gundam" takes place in a new era long after the events of the first Mobile Suit Gundam series' One-Year War. In this world setting, a giant 600-kilometer-wide ring now floats in lunar orbit. An Earth Federation Forces member named Eiji discovers an object called "Beauty Memory" buried in a high-altitude, massive rockbed on Earth. Actor Daijirō Kawaoka plays Eiji, while Yuka Hirata (Cross Game, Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger) plays the heroine Yuria. The keywords of the story are "Amuro's memories." (Amuro Ray is the main protagonist of the first Gundam story.)

from anime newsnetwork

Sunday, September 20, 2009

R.I.P Yoshito Usui

The last few days have marked a sad, tragic time in the manga world, as one of Japan's most beloved manga artists, Yoshito Usui, was confirmed dead at 51.

Usui was reported missing from his hometown of Kasukabe on September 12th after failing to return from a hiking trip. The body wearing clothes matching the report was found at the foot of a cliff near Gunma prefecture's Mount Arafune. Usui's identity was confirmed from dental records and by his family September 19th.

Usui was most famous for creating the manga Crayon Shin-chan, a weekly serial published in Weekly Manga Action. First debuting in 1990, the series follows the comedic adventures of five-year-old Shinnosuke "Shin" Nohara and his family, friends and neighbors. The manga and its 1992 anime adaptation have been regarded by some as Japan's equivalent to The Simpsons, and is popular worldwide, aired in Spain, the US, Indonesia, Korea, the Philippines, Poland, Vietnam and other countries.

Prior to his death Usui had submitted art for more installments of the manga, and publication will continue in Manga Town magazine until its December issue. The anime's fate is currently undecided, as it was already on seasonal hiatus until October 16th.

story from japantor

gundam rock

bye now youv all probly herd of that new gundam rock project and now we got a vid of the op of the origanol 1979 mobil suit gundam and now Im posting it up hear for you all and yes I plain to get this CD when it coms out

new art for the new dot hack

Saturday, September 19, 2009

dot hack//link

well if you wher to ask anyone I know what my favret game franchise is all of them whood say dot hack and theyd be right I am completly obsed with the dot hack franchis and for good reson this games are do so well for being on the PS2 graficly the first 4 games are nuthing spechol but its the story that they excel thar was ever a stroy like it befor dot hack and still to this day only the next gen of dot hack games used that type of story and now dot hack makes another aperince this time not on a home concel but on the PSP as of right now its only abowt 50% dune so we her in the states probly whont see it for another year and a haff but in antisapation Im buyig a PSP just so I have the feel for on down bye the time it comes out and to be far i will post all screen caps I find as well as all new of the game